To make sure that we continue to keep safe and healthy environment for all of our parishioners, we need to make sure all staff and adult volunteers receive proper training and are up-to-date with their "Essential 3". This is not a suggestion but a requirement from the Archdiocese that we must follow. The Essential 3 entails the following items: background check, code of conduct, and safe environment training with re-credentialing required every 3 years.
You can complete your background re-check, complete Safe Environment re-training, as well as read and sign a Code of Conduct online.
Technical Requirements:
You will encounter problems if you fail to follow these requirements!
*Required Document: Code of Conduct (Approximately 5 minutes)
*Background Check (Approximately 10 minutes)
*Safe Environment Training (Approximately 30-35 minutes). (Pop-ups must be enabled)
Confirm that you have completed all requirements with your Safe Environment Coordinator, [email protected].You are not allowed to start serving until you get clearance from the staff member of the ministry you are serving for.
To learn more about the Archdiocese Protection of Children and Youth Initiative, visit