Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Mike Schmitz each present a homily online for the Sunday Mass Readings. They can be found here:
Bishop Robert Barron:
Fr. Mike Schmitz:
These are released just before each weekend, so using them during the week will mean your Cell will be reflecting on the previous Sunday's Mass Readings - a change from how we used Opening the Word.
Leaders may choose which reflections to use. There are no built-in handouts or questions for either. The "Cell Leader Guide" (linked below) has general questions on the second to last page, as well as a process for using the Readings and the video, which will spark ideas for discussion. Contact us with several days' notice if you would like us to print copies of these discussion questions for you. If you do distribute the questions, it's a good idea to collect and re-use them, since they are the same each week. God bless you as you explore Christ's continual invitation to relationship and to sharing his Good News through your discussions.
Return to main Leader page here.