Christ's teaching about the Eucharist was not reserved solely for the Last Supper. Rather, this profound mystery is the crescendo of Jesus' entire ministry: all his work in Galilee prepared for and pointed to the Eucharist. Join Dr. Tim Gray in Bread of Life: The Eucharist in Galilee for an exciting five-part series about Jesus' teaching on the Eucharist.
Download the Leader Guide below this section.
Each week has a video and a handout to print for each participant. Contact us with several days' notice if you need us to print handouts for you. God bless you as you explore the meaning and beauty of the Eucharist.
Note: There are fewer weeks of Bread of Life than there are weeks in the schedule. Your group will need to supplement the additional sessions with either Opening the Word or the Sunday reflections from Bishop Robert Barron or Father Mike Schmitz. You will find that link here.
Return to main Leader page here.
Week One | The First Multiplication:
Week Two | Take Heart, I Am:
Week Three | This Is A Hard Saying:
Week Four | The Second Multiplication:
Week Five | The True Bread: