Pray, serve, relax, and grow with the men of St. John Neumann. 8:00am Mass for all who would like, followed by 8:30am breakfast in the Social Hall. 9:00am presentation and discussion, and wrap-up/prayer by 10:00am. Questions? Contact Wayne Beierman, 651-497-0971.
Pray, serve, relax, and grow with the men of St. John Neumann. 8:00am Mass for all who would like, followed by 8:30am breakfast in the Social Hall. 9:00am presentation and discussion, and wrap-up/prayer by 10:00am. Questions? Contact Wayne Beierman, 651-497-0971.
Pray, serve, relax, and grow with the men of St. John Neumann. 8:00am Mass for all who would like, followed by 8:30am breakfast in the Social Hall. 9:00am presentation and discussion, and wrap-up/prayer by 10:00am. Questions? Contact Wayne Beierman, 651-497-0971.
Pray, serve, relax, and grow with the men of St. John Neumann. 8:00am Mass for all who would like, followed by 8:30am breakfast in the Social Hall. 9:00am presentation and discussion, and wrap-up/prayer by 10:00am. Questions? Contact Wayne Beierman, 651-497-0971.
Pray, serve, relax, and grow with the men of St. John Neumann. 8:00am Mass for all who would like, followed by 8:30am breakfast in the Social Hall. 9:00am presentation and discussion, and wrap-up/prayer by 10:00am. Questions? Contact Wayne Beierman, 651-497-0971.