SJN Liturgical Ministries
We have many ways for you to become more involved in the liturgy! We encourage every parishioner, young or old, to discern one or more ministries where they may feel called to serve. There is a great need across all ministries at all masses, for a full list of liturgical ministries, please see the attached Liturgy & Worship brochure. Upcoming trainings are listed below when applicable, if none of these work for you, please email [email protected] or call Thomas our liturgy coordinator at 651-209-8584 for more information on how to get started in one or more of these ministries.
Serve at weekend and Holy Day liturgies. Must be a 3th grader or older to serve. Regular training offered in fall and spring, along with individual trainings all year round upon request.
Serve as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at weekend/weekday and special liturgies approximately once per month. Required training offered in both fall and spring. Must have received the sacrament of Confirmation.
Proclaim the Word at weekend/weekday and special liturgies. Required training offered as needed. Must have received the sacrament of Confirmation.
Assist with preparation of the altar and vessels before and after weekday Masses. Substitutes also needed.
Assist with preparation of the altar and vessels before and after weekend Masses approximately once a month as well as special holidays.
Greet worshippers and ensure a smooth Sunday Mass, as well as assist with the offertory collection at weekend and other special liturgies approximately once per month. Training provided.
Sign up to keep watch with the Lord for an hour in the presence of the Exposed Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel. Substitutes also needed.
Wash and maintain linens used at liturgies once each week. Participants may use the washer and dryer on site. One or two months per year.
Enable parishioners to better encounter Christ by preparing the Main Church for worship at the changing of the liturgical seasons. Crafters, artisans, carpenters, florists, decorators, and other talents welcome. Six to eight meetings per year, 1-2 hours per meeting.
To request prayers for someone who is sick or who has recently passed away, please call the parish office.
To have a weekday Mass said for someone, please stop at the front desk during office hours.
To view guidelines on Mass Intentions at St. John Neumann see the linked file.
Monday: 12:30-8:30pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8am-11:55am and 12:30pm-5:30pm
Wednesday & Friday: 12:30pm-5:30pm
Visit SJN Eucharistic Adoration or contact [email protected] for more info and to sign up to become an adorer or substitute!
Biography of St. John Neumann Books on SJNSt. John Neumann Shrine
Homily at SJN's Canonization
St. John Neumann, pray for us!