Current weekend Mass liturgical ministers (lectors, EMHCs, altar servers, ushers, greeters) can click the button below to view the current schedule. This schedule is for Nov 30-Jan 1. Christmas and Mary Mother of God (Jan 1) were unscheduled so you can sign up for them on your own.
The Basics: We are moving our scheduling of liturgical ministers from Sign-Up Genius to Ministry Scheduler Pro beginning the weekend of Nov 30/Dec 1. See recent emails from Thomas Dzurik (liturgy coordinator) with your log-in info. Overall, it will help keep us organized and engaged while still maintaining great flexibility. I know this may be frustrating and it seems like just one more thing to "figure out"! I'd ask your patience, as it will be a much better way to keep us organized after we work out the kins and get everyone acclimated to a new way of scheduling.
Why are we switching? Over 90% of parishes in our archdiocese use this exact program or something similar, even higher for parishes similar in size. Sign-Up Genius was meant as a short term solution to scheduling just for the pandemic, it is not meant or designed for scheduling according to our needs. Scheduling with MSP will more fairly distribute serving frequency, while still maintaining flexibility if things come up in your schedule. You can go into your profile and set your "can't serve" dates before each schedule comes out, and can still simply click "I Need a Sub" or the "cancel" buttons if you were scheduled and can't make it.
Am I auto-scheduled for Masses? Do I have a say in when I'm scheduled? Be assured that it is still flexible--YOU control your serving frequency, preferred Masstimes, and can enter any weekends you are not available and do not want to be scheduled. When each schedule is created, it automatically factors in everyone's preferred Masstime, serving frequency, and exclude you from your "can't serve" dates. Any Masses you list that you did not list in your "can't serve" dates are fair game for you to be scheduled. You can always cancel out of dates you have been scheduled, and likewise if you didn't get scheduled all that often, you can sign up for other openings.
If you'd like additional help, here is a short video on how to use MSP:
Ministry Scheduler Pro Volunteer Tutorial
Here is short video on how to update your profile info and enter "can't serve" dates:
Here is a PDF with a user guide on getting started using MSP: