Discover the Catechetical Institute, (link) a vibrant discovery of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, offered through the St. Paul Seminary and held via livestream right here at St. John Neumann.
Click the button below to discover St. John Neumann's adult Bible studies, where we grow in faith, deepen community, and strengthen our relationship with God.
(This is in the process of changing from Rite to Order (RCIA to OCIA), so you may see and hear both names during the transition.)
OCIA is a process or journey through which the Catholic faith, Catholic worship, and Catholic life are explained, reviewed, lived, and deepened. It is for all who would like to know more about the Catholic faith with the intent of becoming a Catholic as well as for Catholic adults who may have "missed" a sacrament or two along the way (Confirmation, Eucharist) and would now like to receive those. Each session includes a presentation, opportunities for questions, discussion, and prayer. The Bible, especially Sunday Mass Readings, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are our guides.
Sessions are Sundays from 1:15pm to 3:00 pm. Contact Pat Howard (see below) for more information.